House in Hakusan


(English Below)








Living in Harmony

The site is located in the center of a fan-shaped area of the Tedori River in Hakusan City, Ishikawa Prefecture, in one of a group of villages that stand like islands.

In this area, many families own large plots of land inherited from their ancestors, and there is a marked tendency for two families to live in close proximity to each other in separate buildings on the same site, even as the children’s generation is increasingly living away from their parents’ generation. This is a housing plan for a family that chose to make a U-turn and build their own residence on the site of the parent family.

The residents’ desire was to secure a living space that would be close to the main house, yet still provide sufficient privacy for the family. The aim was to create a house with a high degree of affinity between the surrounding environment and the residents’ physical and mental activities, by planning openings that would allow the residents to enjoy a view of the natural environment while maintaining an appropriate distance from the parent household, and by harmonizing the borrowed scenery with the residents’ living space.

In order to protect the privacy of the residents, multiple openings are scattered throughout the house instead of large openings in a single direction, so that the vast landscape, which changes with the seasons and time of day, can be borrowed. The openings are arranged in such a way as to erase the lines where the house’s surfaces meet, so that the landscape is not presented in a picturesque manner, but rather as an extension of the interior space. In order to harmonize the scenery through the windows with the vividly colored interior and the daily life scenery that tends to expose objects, the floor, walls, and ceiling of the main space are pure white, and the openings are sized and placed in such a way that the continuity of the white surfaces is not lost.

We interviewed the residents in detail about their physical and mental states when viewing the landscape, and sought to harmonize the natural environment with people living in various states. The optimal relationship between people and the natural environment was sought in all positions, including standing, sitting, active, and resting.

In addition to the landscaping, we also focused on the soundscape emitted by the natural environment, and created a precise design to harmonize the environmental sounds unique to the area with the human living environment. On the exterior wall on the side of rice fields, in addition to the horizontal continuous windows that cut through the landscape, a series of projected windows were designed to allow the wind and environmental sounds flowing over the land as and when they are needed, and where they are needed. These projected windows can take in environmental sounds emanating from the ground in the horizontal range from the ceiling, but when opened slightly, they take in only in the direction of the ceiling, so that reflected sounds disappear and become private sounds that can be heard only by the person sitting by the window. When multiple windows are opened at a wide 45° angle, the strong direct sound reaches people standing in the kitchen or sitting in the dining room clearly, while the soft sound reflected from the ceiling reaches people relaxing on the living room floor. The system has the ability to allow residents to fine-tune the ambient sound to their needs.

The architectural design, which utilizes multiple openings that are effectively cut and positioned, allows the residents to live freely and in harmony with the natural environment while protecting the privacy of the family members.